Serenity House Men’s Transitional House

Serenity House Men’s Transitional House

our sober living home

Location: Yale and Chambers, Aurora

Serenity house is AMAZING!

Living in a sober living environment can sometimes be very challenging for a myriad of different reasons. But I would like to go through the reasons that make my house in particular AMAZING!

First off, I would like to start with the physical and aesthetic reasons I think our house is so great.
Upon pulling up to the residence the house has wonderful curb appeal. Not to mention it sits a few blocks back from any major road which helps a lot with nose pollution. But as you pull up there is a nice big pine tree out front and a few other trees which give nice shade for the house.

There is also ample parking in both the driveway and in front of the house (many of our guys drive). Once you get into the house it becomes very obvious why our house is great, the open floor plan gives a very inviting feel and really makes it feel like home. There is plenty of room for all nine guys to move around freely without being right on top of one another.

The backyard has a nice covered patio area. All of the bedrooms and bathrooms are well put together and in good working order.

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Men’s Sober Living Aurora

Our house is amazing!

Alright, enough about the house as a physical entity.

Now I would like to tell you about the other things that make the Serenity house truly amazing. The biggest and most prevalent thing that comes to mind when I think about this house is continuity. All of the guys here get along with each other quite well.

Like any place we have our disagreements, but by being able to sit down with one another and talk about things in a civil manner has helped to avoid and serious blowouts (which I have witnessed at other places I lived at outside of ASL) The guys have really come together in the short time that we have known each other.

There have been a few guys that have come and gone over the months but for the most part the majority of us have been together for a while now.

We have had a lot of really good conversations relating to recovery, honestly that happens pretty much every day. However on the other hand we still have a good time with one another.

Whether it’s just sitting around the house shooting the shit or going out to eat together we like to enjoy ourselves as well. Which is absolutely essential is sobriety, because honestly who wants to get sober and still be miserable.

These are the reasons that I truly believe that our house is amazing!

Our Requirements

You Must Meet These Criteria

18+ in age.

Mentally and physically able to work. Also, volunteer, or go to school.

Able to meet the costs of housing. In addition to personal needs.

Must provide a clean UA and BA drug screening upon entry into the program.

Is not prescribed any medications that are considered controlled substances (ie. Ambien, Adderall, Xanax, etc.).

Willing and motivated to maintain participation within the sober living community.

Also, willing and motivated to participate actively in a 12-step program.

In addition, committed to participating fully in the Aurora Sober Living Program.