Truth House Female Transitional House

Truth House Women’s Transitional House

our sober living home

Location: Alameda Ave and Chambers Rd, Aurora

There are many struggles in finding sobriety. Most of which are internal battles we fight with ourselves, but there are outside influences that make sobriety a challenge as well. And that’s why truth house rocks! It is a safe haven where our struggles, emotions, and challenges are understood because everyone here has been there, or is there as well. There’s structure, and a program that if worked and truly given a chance can lead one through the challenges of finding peace and the strength required to live a fulfilling sober life. Accountability is a must when newly sober, and so often meetings and a sponsor, even a coach just isn’t enough. Sure, a person has to want a different life to succeed in sobriety, but sometimes being supported and understood, having friends, and a community of like-minded people who understand the challenges, while also being supportive during the process can make a world of difference.

“Truth House,” the name says is all. We have to be honest with ourselves and each other to make any true change in our lives. And when we are, there are friendships to be formed, love and understanding to be found, and the strength of the group that can be leaned on when times are tough. The laughter, and the tears; the smell of great food being cooked in the kitchen; and the welcoming of others from other houses, are just some of the things that make truth house so great.

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Women’s Sober Living Aurora

Sharing in the joy!

Some of my fondest memories in truth house have been formed in the simplest of times. Sitting on the couch and talking about the things life has thrown my way and how I have survived. Or laughing about nonsense and sharing in the joy of simply being alive, and finally able to appreciate that simple fact. Hosting guests from other houses, or being hosted at other houses, and sharing in the joy of a social sober life. Listening to others tell their story, even when I don’t have any advice to offer or words of wisdom to share. Because no one in Truth house is expected to have it all figured out, it’s safe to simply be in the process of figuring it out, and all any of us are ever asked to offer is our understanding and a willingness to accept others as they figure out what it means to them. Acceptance is often difficult for many of us to find, whether you’re in recovery or not. But anyone bold enough to live their truth has always been accepted at Truth house. We have come from many different walks of life, identified in so many different ways, and often had such an insane mix of personalities that it was a wonder that we were able to make it work at all. But that diversity is also what makes it so beautiful. And having a place where anyone can feel at home, and be safe to live and express their truth makes it not only a wonderful place to learn to live a sober life, but a beautiful place to simply call home.

While it’s not meant to be a permanent living situation, at Truth house we all develop the life skills and tools necessary to transition to permanent housing successfully. We find a community of people who share in our struggles, as well as resources and outlets for social activities that won’t threaten our commitment to change. And we develop lifelong friendships with people who have seen our struggles and whom we have seen struggle. Because it’s the understanding and acceptance of all aspects of ourselves that forms the foundation for living in your Truth.

Our Requirements

You Must Meet These Criteria

18+ in age.

Mentally and physically able to work. Also, volunteer, or go to school.

Able to meet the costs of housing. In addition to personal needs.

Must provide a clean UA and BA drug screening upon entry into the program.

Is not prescribed any medications that are considered controlled substances (ie. Ambien, Adderall, Xanax, etc.).

Willing and motivated to maintain participation within the sober living community.

Also, willing and motivated to participate actively in a 12-step program.

In addition, committed to participating fully in the Aurora Sober Living Program.