Journey House Men's Transitional Home

Journey House Men's Transitional Home

our sober living home

Location: Buckley and Dartmouth, Aurora 

Here at the Journey Transitional House at Aurora Sober Living- we are beyond blessed for so many different reasons. Our personal favorite is that it does not feel like a “sober living house” that consists of four walls and some furniture, with men living inside of their rooms, simply sharing a space to live. Instead- it is a beautiful safe space where a family of best friends and an army of strong sober men have made into a home with the help and blessings that Aurora Sober Living have given us.

At any given time, we know that there is someone that we can go to inside the home to receive support and someone that we can call if there is a moment we feel shaken in our sobriety. All the men here at Journey have long term sobriety and are able to give back to the men in traditional sober living, sharing their experience and strength. The great thing about Journey is the men that live here all have their own lives and their own journey with recovery, but then they get to come home to be around brothers in recovery and to lean on each other for whatever it may be.

find out more
Men’s Sober Living Aurora

Amazing Sense of Accountability!

There is also a strong sense of independence within each of us and we personally find inspiration and strength by watching each other grow and cheering each other on. There is an amazing sense of accountability that goes into each day, week, and month within Journey House. We help each other when we have a busy work week and could use some extra support, but also hold each other accountable that it is a part of a healthy life balance that there are still things that need to be done, even when life gets crazy. Learning how to live life sober again is a beautiful balancing act and having a team to test that out with is more than I think any of us could ever ask for.

At Aurora Sober Living we have accountability through each other and most importantly through ourselves. This is our sobriety journey- one day, we will outgrow the physical 4 walls and contracts of this program and it will be time for us to only take the family and tools it gave us along with us, and we will have to continue this journey on our own. So this home gives us a place to practice these principles one day at a time, to test the boundaries and find our niche in the world before we jump in full send- is incredible.

Start the next part of your Journey here!

Our Requirements

You Must Meet These Criteria

18+ in age.

Mentally and physically able to work. Also, volunteer, or go to school.

Able to meet the costs of housing. In addition to personal needs.

Must provide a clean UA and BA drug screening upon entry into the program.

Is not prescribed any medications that are considered controlled substances (ie. Ambien, Adderall, Xanax, etc.).

Willing and motivated to maintain participation within the sober living community.

Also, willing and motivated to participate actively in a 12-step program.

In addition, committed to participating fully in the Aurora Sober Living Program.